Sunday, June 17, 2012


So I am sure that most of you have heard of Pinterest by now but if you haven't all I have to say is, you will love it! Especially if you are planning a big event. Pinterest is an online bulletin board you can use to get ideas on absolutely anything. There are great pictures of every kind of party favor you can imagine along with instructions on how to make these great do it yourself projects. This is a great online resource and has become such a phenomenon that most websites including this one have a new "Pin it" button that allows you to share images from anywhere on the web on your bulletin board. Start pinning.

Ceremony Music

When planning a big event like a Quinceanera or even a Wedding one of the major concerns is music. Not only the music that you will have at the reception or party portion but even more important and difficult to choose is the ceremony music. Many churches are very strict about the type of music they will allow you to play and may restrict secular or non-religious music. If your event is going to have a faith based ceremony you will want to select your music accordingly. Since I am a Christian I am most familiar with Christian Music and thought I would offer some suggestions. First there are many types of Christian music; I am most familiar with Contemporary Christian music. I listen to K-Love which is a station that is played all over the country. If you do not have a K-Love station in your area you can listen to it online at this is especially helpful because if you are listening and like a song and don't know what it is called or who sings it (this is frequent for me) you can see a list of the songs recently played. As a bonus you can even click on them to play a sample of the song and review the lyrics. I thought about giving you a list of my personal favorites but I thought it would be better to let you find your own. The site also has a list of top songs so that is also a good place to start. Also K-love gives away a free song that you can download from Itunes, which they update frequently. The free song is a great way to begin building a Christian music playlist for your event. For my daughter's quinceanera I made a long playlist to play after the ceremony and during dinner. One the most rewarding and positive things at her quinceanera was the positive feedback we got on the ceremony and music, even from non religious guests. Another great source of Christian music is YouTube. I did simple search for Christian songs and a lot of great songs came up. Once you click on one or two you will see other related songs on the sidebars. I am not sure where you would find suggestions for other types of Christian or faith based music. If Contemporary Christian music is not your style you can always look for other genres like Christian Rap, Christian Rock or other more specific types of music. I am less familiar with those genres but I would suggestion talking to your youth pastor because they will likely be familiar with who the popular Christian artists are for the youth. My current personal favorite is a band called Tenth Avenue North. I hope this is helpful to you. Enjoy!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Christian Quinceanera Ceremony in Spanish

I get many requests for a spanish translation for the Quinceanera ceremony. A few months back the original author of the ceremony I posted contacted me and asked me to give them credit. As a result I was able to add his name and find the ceremony in spanish on a sermon site. I had originally been emailed the ceremony from someone I had contact with on a party planning site. So here is the much requested spanish version. Enjoy!

Meditaciones para una quinceañera by Adrián Olivas

Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:8

Consagración de una Quinceañera

Si no se pueden formar 14 parejas, podrán formarse siete, o catorce señoritas solas en el caso de que no se quieran usar jóvenes, el total de acompañantes debe ser 14. Para esta ceremonia se sugiere que los siguientes artículos los lleven las acompañantes de la festejada.

1. Biblia—de preferencia una Biblia forrada con raso de novia y encaje.
2. Zapatillas—Estas se ven mejor se son blancas y tamaño para bebé.
3. Anillo —puede ser con la piedra del mes o un diamante pequeño.
4. Reloj de pulso
5. Corona de fantasía.
6. Rosas—un capullo, una medio abierta y una completamente abierta.
7. Vela blanca de 18 pulgadas. Puede adornarse con listones y rosas pequeñas.
8. Perfume—un pomo pequeño y decorativo.
9. Parasol—que haga juego con el vestido de la festejada.
10. Ramo—que haga juego con el vestido de la festejada. Lo llevará consigo y lo dejará en el altar como símbolo de ofrenda. O bien puede llevar cada acompañante una rosa y le dan la rosa a la festejada al principio de la ceremonia. Entonces la festejada deja las rosas en el altar.

Se recomienda que se tomen los datos de la festejada de antemano y también que se practique la ceremonia cuando menos una o dos veces antes del día que se celebrará.


Muy amados en el Señor Jesucristo, nos hemos reunido aquí, en presencia de Dios para celebrar un culto de acción de gracias por motivo de la celebración de los quince años de (diga el nombre completo de la festejada usando el título Srita. o Hna.)
Nos alegramos que esta señorita haya decidido celebrar su cumpleaños en la casa de Dios. El Salmista dice: "Porque mejor es un día en tus atrios que mil fuera de ellos. . ." Ciertamente le podemos decir a la familia (diga el nombre de la familia): "Yo me alegré con los que me decían, a la casa de Jehová iremos. . ." Gracias por la invitación a esta celebración, a este culto de Consagración.
Esta es una edad feliz, las jovencitas alientan muchas quimeras y sueños. Pero también es una edad difícil porque es en esta edad cuando se les hace responsable por sus vidas. De hoy en adelante esta señorita deja de ser una niña y entra a la edad de la juventud. Sus decisiones ahora tendrán más peso y cordura. Es en este tiempo que más necesita de Jesús como amigo, consejero y sobre todo como Salvador. (Canto: Quinceañera)
(Diríjase a la festejada y pida que la corte se ponga en pie ante el altar). Ya que ha nacido de ti, (diga el nombre de la festejada) que se celebre tus quince primaveras en la casa de Dios, te dedicaré unos objetos para que al verlos te recuerdes siempre de este día feliz. Estos objetos son so lamente símbolos de lo que es la realidad y lo que será en el porvenir en la presencia de Dios.
(Pida a la joven que trae la Biblia se acerque y le de la Biblia. Usted la dará luego a la festejada). (Nombre) Pero persiste tú en lo que has aprendido y te persuadiste, sabiendo de quien has aprendido; y que desde la niñez has sabido las Sagradas Escrituras, las cuales te pueden hacer sabia para la salvación por la fe que es en Cristo Jesús. Toda la Escritura es inspirada por Dios, y útil para enseñar, para redargüir, para corregir, para instruir en justicia, a fin de que seas perfecta, enteramente preparada para toda buena obra". (2ª Timoteo. 3:14-17). Que este libro sea siempre lámpara a tus pies y lumbrera a tu camino. Escudríñala para que te encuentres aprobada delante de Dios.
(Pida la rosa en capullo; délas a la joven). Este capullo simboliza tu infancia. En esta etapa de tu vida eras inocente y ajena al pecado. El reino de Dios era tuyo sin necesidad de salvación y arrepentimiento.
(Pida la rosa medio abierta). Pero como es natural, creciste y comenzaste a tener conocimiento del pecado. Ya en esta etapa de la niñez tenías conciencia del bien y del mal. A esta edad se necesita de Cristo como Salvador y Señor.
(Pida la rosa abierta). Y hoy como esta flor madura, luces bella. Mas la Biblia dice que el hombre, como la hierba son sus días; florece como la flor del campo. Y así como las flores tienen olor y belleza pero luego se acaba, así la vida humana. La juventud es sólo un paréntesis en la vida. Todo es vanidad y lo único que perdura es tu alma. Guárdala cual divino tesoro. La mejor manera de cuidar tu vida es dándosela a Dios para que así alcances la vida eterna.
(Pida que la joven que trae el recipiente con perfume se acerque y se lo dé. Usted se lo dará a la festejada). Este recipiente con perfume simboliza la oración y la alabanza al Señor. Tu vida no sólo es de honra para Dios sino que debe utilizarse para ganar almas para Él "Porque somos grato olor de Cristo en los que se salvan." (2ª Corintios 2:15). El proverbista dijo que el perfume alegra el corazón, y el salmista lo confirma cuando dijo: "Suba mi oración delante de ti como el perfume." (Salmo 141:2). Que siempre agrades al Señor con tu vida y con tu oración.
(Pida el parasol y délo a la festejada). Este parasol te ayudará a pensar que "habrá un abrigo para sombra contra el calor del día, para refugio y escondedero contra el turbión y contra el aguacero." (Isaías 4:6). Cuando te encuentres en dificultad o en peligro tu podrás siempre decir: "Mi escondedero y mi escudo eres Tú." (Salmo 119:114). Confía en El. Pues el ha dado más de 33,000 promesas y todas son tuya.
(Pida las zapatillas. Déselas a la festejada). Estas zapatillas son símbolo de tu andar. Cuando eras una niña, tus padres te llevaban a donde ellos querían. Tú no decidías cual camino ibas a tomar. Hoy ellos han terminado su trabajo y tú eres responsable de cada paso que das. Recuerda que Dios siempre te ve. Y qué alegría que cuando venga el Señor tu puedas decirle, "escogí el camino de la verdad. . .consideré mis caminos, y volví mis pies a tus testimonios." (Salmo 119:30,59).
(Pida la corona y póngala sobre la cabeza de la festejada). Esta corona es bella y radiante, pero más será la corona que tú obtendrás en aquel día. La Biblia menciona por nombre algunas coronas. ¿Cuál quieres tú? Está primero la corona de la vida. Para obtener ésta el Señor te dice "Se fiel hasta la muerte y te dará la corona de la vida." Para aquellos que son siervos sumisos se les ha prometido "la corona incorruptible", (1ª Corintos 9:25). A los que aman la venida del Señor se les ha prometido "la corona de justicia", (2 Timoteo. 4:8). A los pastores se les ha prometido "la corona de gloria", (1ª Pedro 5:4) La Biblia te insta a cuidar tu corona "He aquí, yo vengo pronto, retén lo que tienes, para que ninguno tome tu corona", (Revelación 3:11). Pero lo más hermoso será que al llegar ante el Cordero, podrás hacer como los 24 ancianos que menciona el Apocalípsis, "echar tu corona a sus pies y proclamar, ’Santo, Santo, Santo, gracias por haberme redimido." (Revelación 4:8-10). (Un canto queda bien aquí).
(Pida el reloj; póngalo en la muñeca de la mano izquierda de la festejada). Este reloj te servirá para que recuerdes que la venida del Señor está muy cerca. Con cada segundo, cada minuto, cada hora, y cada día que pase, recuerda que hay que estar siempre preparados porque no sabemos ni el día ni la hora cuando vendrá el Señor Jesús por su Iglesia. Pero mientras esperas la venida del Señor, di como el salmista: "Enséñame de tal modo a contar mis días que traigan a mi corazón sabiduría." (Salmo 90:12).
(Pida el anillo; Póngalo en el dedo anular de la mano derecha). Este anillo simboliza autoridad. Tienes autoridad porque perteneces a la familia de Dios. Cuando el joven prodigo regresó, su padre pidió que se le pusiese anillo en su dedo porque ya había regresado al hogar y tenía la autoridad que le daba el padre. Así tú tienes autoridad sobre el enemigo porque eres hija de Dios. Este anillo también te recordará del infinito amor de Dios. Pues como esta prenda no tiene principio ni fin por ser un círculo, así el amor de Dios no tiene principio ni fin. . ."Con amor eterno te he amado" ha dicho el Señor. (Jeremías 31:3). El anillo también puede simbolizar un pacto. Tengo entendido que tienes un pacto que quieres hacer público. (Que la Srita. cante su himno I Promise y lea su verso).
(Pida que se acerquen al altar la festejada y sus padres. La joven dejará su ramo en el altar. La vela que lleva la madre la encenderán ambos padres. Luego la pondrá en el candelero) Esta vela también es un símbolo de tu vida. Tus padres te concibieron y tu madre te dio a luz y te cuidó tanto física como espiritualmente cuando eras pequeña. Pero ahora tú eres responsable de tu vida espiritual. La Biblia dice “Vosotros sois la luz del mundo . . .una vela encendida no se esconde pero se pone en el candelero para que alumbre la casa”. (Mateo 5:14, 15). Que así alumbre tu luz ante otros para que vean tus buenas obras y glorifiquen al Padre.
(Pida se arrodillen los tres. Los padres harán una oración por la Srita. mientras usted hace una oración de mutuo propio. . .Enseguida la joven hará su oración de consagración). Bien puede ser ésta memorizada del Salmo 119:33-48, o una que ella haya elegido. (La joven puede dar palabras de agradecimiento a sus padres, un testimonio o cantar un himno).

Concluya con la Bendición Pastoral:
Haga Jehová resplandecer su rostro sobre ti, y tenga de ti misericordia. Alce Jehová sobre ti su rostro y ponga en ti paz.

(La traducción al inglés de esta ceremonia existe aquí bajo el título "Meditations for a Quinceañera").

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hollywood Red Carpet Theme

When my daughter and I started the real work of planning her Quince, we knew that if we found a great theme it would make the planning easier. Initially she did not want a themed event but we had seen how sucessful they could be so we did a lot of brainstorming. Over the months leading up to her 14th birthday we tossed ideas back and forth and finally decided on a Hollywood Red Carpet theme. Then I panicked, how do you do Red Carpet without spending tons of money? When you think about Hollywood and Red Carpet you think glamour, luxury, and extravagance. Of course by now she was totally excited about the theme. So I did a whole lot of Internet searching on the Golden Age of Hollywood, I looked at old photos just to get some ideas. What kind of venue would have that old Hollywood flavor?

The Venue

During my Internet research I had seen a lot of references to the old Chinese theatre in Hollywood. That was the kind of venue I would love to have, something historic and full of character. I remembered that locally we had a historic Fox Theatre that had recently been restored, they had refurbished it but had stuck to the original design and had restored the furniture, lighting and even restored the painted ceiling. They had modernized their technical equipment for sound and video, and reopened the theatre on a limited basis to the public. I decided to see if the theatre had a website so I could view some pictures and get some ideas. Then I saw it, a link for "Building Rental".

I promptly scheduled a tour and fell in love. The theatre was perfect. Building Rental included not only the use of the auditorium but the use of the entire theatre. I had use of the main auditorium for the Ceremony and Reception, (they could remove some of the theatre seating and place a dance floor) The lighting and sound could be handled by their technicians while allowing our DJ and Videographer to plug into theatre quality House sound.

Backstage we had dressing rooms with lighted mirrors for both boys and girls, and two individual Star Dressing Rooms. There was a green room with a Refrigerator where we could keep refreshments for the Court, for the guests the concessions were open for drinks and snacks. The court was given VIP access to the backstage that was restricted to just the court. And they would all arrive by limo to walk the red carpet when the Reception began.

And it was beautiful, everywhere you looked the theatre was beautiful, a wonderful backdrop for photos and video. And because it was a historic theatre it required no decoration. My only outside costs for the venue were the rental of a red carpet and the dance floor. It was perfect. And one of the coolest details was that they were going to put whatever we wished on the Marque for the Night of the Event, we also had the use of the poster cases to create custom posters for the outside of the theatre. Now I realize that not every city has a historic theatre that can be rented, and by having the theatre it made my job easier but I will list below some of the little details that can create that Hollywood atmosphere.

Making a Hollywood Entrance

What do you think of when you think of Hollywood? I think of Paparazzi, and Award Shows, and Movie Premiers and Walking the Red Carpet. These are all relatively easy to do at your event. You can contact almost any party supply place to rent a red carpet and velvet ropes to rope it off. Ask for a handful of volunteers to pose as paparazzi and take pictures. With today's technology and digital camera this will cost your guests nothing but to bring their own cameras and flash away. This is also a nice way to get additional candid shots of your event from those individuals that acted as paparazzi. This will be a lot of fun for them and a great way to make them feel included. Also guests will enjoy posing on the red carpet for their own photos throughout the night.

Now you are ready for the Red Carpet Arrivals. The easiest way to accomplish this is to rent a limo, if you are feeling extravagant you can hire a car club or multiple limos, but in my case we rented a single 10 person limo that carried about three couples at a time. The limo would circle the block and the chauffeur would open the door so that one couple at a time could get out. The court members would then strut down the red carpet feeling like movie stars, some even signed autographs. This part of the evening was very high energy we had music pumping in the background and the guest were going crazy taking pictures. The Quinceanera and her escort were the last to arrive on the Red Carpet, by then the entire court was outside with all the guests waiting for her big entrance. The crowd went crazy...

Souvenir Tickets

One of the ways to make a real statement is to create original invitations, posters, and programs for your event. Custom work does not need to be expensive, in fact it can save you money. For my daughters Quinceanera I wanted to create an invitation that was in keeping with the theme. I looked online for ticket invitations and found several at party sites, they were relatively inexpensive compared to traditional invitations but were not very original.

So I did an Internet search on ticket printing and found a professional printing service online, I contacted them with my ideas and they had a graphic artist create a design for me. I provided him with a picture of my daughter, a picture of the fox I had taken at night and he created this awesome invitation for me. I only had to pay for his design time which was only two hours. I purchased 900 tickets with envelopes and it cost me less than $200. If you are planning an event you know that traditional invitations with envelopes are usually about $5 an invitation. You can see the savings. The tickets also served as souvenir for the guests and court for a keepsake of the event.

Souvenir Posters

You can also have custom posters made that you create yourself using photo editing software like Photoshop. Or you can even create posters on the photo tab of the Walgreen's website under photo gifts. These can be simple or complex. My original idea was to recreate teen movie posters using my daughter and her Court as the movie cast members. With everything I had to do I never finished that project, but we were fortunate that our Photographer created some original movie posters with her as a star using some pictures he had taken of her a few months before.

Souvenir Programs

You can also create a souvenir program using a standard word processing software like Microsoft Word. These programs often provide templates for different types of documents that can be downloaded. Once downloaded you can edit the text and even the graphics relatively easily. Programs are a great way to give the guests a schedule of events as well as write some personal thank yous to everyone that has helped you bring the event together.

Grab Bags

Red Carpet events often include goodie bags for the guests and presenters. This is a fun way to give thank you gifts to your court. You can create Hollywood themed goodie bags that include a small gift and some memorabilia from the Event. Suggested contents could be Oscar trophies for the court, Bling for the girls like matching necklace and earring sets, movie candy, copies of the program, tickets and VIP passes. I included a Quinceanera soundtrack with music from every year of my daughter's life. Another idea is to give them a photo CD of pictures from the practices and events. You can put almost anything in the goodie bags.

Interviews & Photography

One way to make the guests feel special and have an extra treat for your party girl is to have the videographer do guest interviews. This is fun for the guests, and a great surprise for the guest of honor when she receives her video. Friends and family can also make videos statements and tell stories or just give some well wishes.
However you do it, your daughter is sure to feel like a Superstar! Have Fun!
If you would like to see a video of my event click on the video on the video bar.